The Problem

An investment management firm, serving its clients to protect and grow their investments and savings, hired Aver Analytics to address their reporting problem.

The client had multiple data points from separate systems for investment assets and fees income, employee time logging, billable vs non-billable hours, projects tracking, client reviews, employee tasks and actions, sales pipeline opportunities, etc.

Managing these many separate systems and getting the reports out of these was not an easy task. Moreover, the information they gathered after many efforts in a time consuming way was at best isolated information. That is, there was no linkage between information or data sets.

The managing partner of the firm had difficult time keeping track of what is going on in the firm operation and therefore, there was no accountability at employee level how they’re performing or delivering results.

The Solution

Aver Analytics was hired to gather all the information from multiple systems and tools and place it into a single platform - Microsoft Power BI.

Microsoft’s Power BI provided a one-stop place where the client is able to gather all the necessary information. This eliminated the need to use different reports from various systems and tools. More importantly, there was no new investment in systems and tools, as Power BI can connect to existing systems and data.

The Value

The client now has power. They have all the information they need, in a timely manner, to make sound decisions.

Everything they want to monitor is at their fingertips, so they now can easily identify any problems or issues arising early.

The following metrics have proved to be invaluable:

  • Staff Utilization - Billable hours as a percent of total hours worked

  • Fees $ per Hour - average investment fees income per billable hours

  • Client reviews overdue - keeps track of client reviews overdue by service representative

  • Upcoming reviews - identifies and highlights upcoming reviews the firm staff should be paying attention to

  • Average time spent by client level - are we servicing the high value clients with enough attention?

With Aver Analytics’ Power BI solution, the investment firm has all the information it needs at their fingertips. The KPIs promote good decision making and also puts every employee to its highest motivation to perform best. “What gets measured, gets results”, it’s true!