Motor Carrier Safety Dashboard

Does your company operate motor carriers?  Are you in professions where you provide legal or safety consultation advice to motor carriers?  If yes, I’m sure you agree that it is critical to have the knowledge of all the safety information, standards, and compliance issues of FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration). 

Being aware of FMCSA standards and codes are important.  Furthermore, having the knowledge of what types of codes are being violated by fellow motor carriers and drivers can make a difference in safety and avoiding any potential violations and penalties.

With all this information, you’ll be well informed and help your clients better prepare, especially with the recently violated standards that result in OOS.  Be informed and help your drivers avoid these wherever possible. 

As you know, the penalties for violating FMCSA are high, but the real cost goes beyond these penalties.  Once your case is closed, the violation becomes a permanent public record.  Your potential customers and insurance companies may look at your record.  Subscribing to this dashboard means being more informed. 

Obviously, there is no guarantee to avoid potential violations upon an inspection, but being aware of recent violations committed by fellow carriers in your area/state will help you steer where to focus on.


Inspections & Violations Visualized

  • Inspections occurring in your area/state where your carriers operate
  • FMCSA standards/codes being violated
  • Standards that are being violated and result in OOS (out of service) orders
  • Standards that are being violated but not as severe (i.e. non-OOS)
  • Violation Rates in your states
  • Carriers with most inspections/violations
  • Crash information


  • Walk-around inspections occur the most, followed by Driver-Only inspections.  Inspection count is trending downward
  • California and Texas have the highest number of inspections
  • Most violated code is “Inoperable Required Lamp” – Keep your lights/lamps in good working order
  • “Inoperative Turn Signal” will keep your truck Out of Service!
  • Most crash accidents occur when there is no rain/snow, on dry surface, and during daylight