Traffic Violations Dashboard

This Dashboard shows the analysis on traffic violations occurred in Montgomery County, Maryland between 2011 to 2016.  The data consists of the County police officers traffic pull overs and this data set includes drivers’ city, sex, race, type of citations, date of pull over, etc.  You can use the slicers to isolate the analysis for specific categories or areas. For example, you can select “M” for Male only analysis.

This is an example where you can turn data into insights. Imagine this for your own business; you’ll be surprised what you haven’t realized yet.


Traffic Violations Visualized

  • Drivers city and Charge Description visually shown.  The area of rectangles and the font size signifies the count of violations
  • Violation count by race, by month visualized.  They are cross filtering, i.e. click to isolate for one race (e.g Asian) and you’ll see other visuals update to isolate/focus on your selection
  • Page 5, this visual shows “by Hour” violation count.  Each dial on the outer circle represents each hour on the clock.  This visual is really a powerful presentation, as audience can quickly see when the violations and pullovers are happening


  • Number of traffic violations (bar graph) and the average temperature (line graph) is also shown.  One would have guessed that there would be more traffic violations during the hot summer months (assuming people would drive more to go outside). But, the number of violations are actually less during June, July, August, when the temperature is high. March, April, and May seem to be the months with the highest number of traffic violations.
  • Also, it is interesting to see the count between “Warnings” and “Citations”. You can drill down or isolate for certain Year, Gender, or Race. You can see some interesting information as you slice and dice.
  • On page 3, the visualization shows the categories of violations. “Driving too fast” is the highest violations, followed by “Driving without active license”. “Driving without proper registration” is at the top of the list as well.